Why aren’t Indian students able to think for themselves?

The dumbing down of Indian students has become much worse after Byju’s became a unicorn and started blitzscaling to maximise their profits.
Parents feel very virtuous when they spend money on buying a Byju’s product for their children , because they think they are helping to educate them . Sadly, watching the videos just gives the illusion of studying ! They don’t understand, remember or learn anything because it’s all predigested pap.
The truth is that if you want to master something , you need to work at learning the basics , so you understand the subject from first principles .
If you try taking shortcuts, your foundation itself will be unsound , and you will never be able to to understand more advanced and complex concepts .
This is why while Indian students are great at scoring marks in exams , because they can regurgitate everything in their syllabus , the moment you ask them to apply their knowledge , they are stumped, because they are not able to reason for themselves !

And Shahruk Khan, please remember that putting on glasses doesn’t make you brighter – it just fools people into thinking that you are ! And this is something Byju’s and ad companies and actors are good at doing !

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9 thoughts

    1. It’s true sir. Real education should be focused more on guiding the students to build a perception of their own towards the subject. Then only they will be able to think of their own.

  1. Till date I have not heard anything good about any of Byju’s products or learning methods. Seriously don’t understand the value it is providing to learners unlike other apps which have a specific value add.

  2. Sir I agree with your views ,but we need solution in a real and effective manner , not just idealism , we can see in every coaching institutes in india whether they help students crack medical , engineering , CA exams etc , they have created these perception that without coaching you can’t get there ,and the reality is that the students who study on their own, think own their own , they do able to solve and do each and everything but never compete for the prestigious exam except few ,because for IIT only two chances , IIM an elite class institute you have to think for it from class 10 , only UPSC exam give you time to hone your skill but that won’t give you the monetry benefit and if you are honest, pay the price of it , our syllabus , curriculum should be changed so that the one shoul not rely on the lucrative coaching for their success, I have interacted with CA students, they told me that without coaching we can’t do that , so earlier it was coaching institutes who were creating dumb now the advanced version of it is e- education, this is our overall problem ,if we didn’t create jobs for the educated ,skilled one , the in india coaching ,e- education is the best way to earn much , by any means , therefore in my view from government to top institutes all have to take responsibility to reform education system ,in such a way the guy from lower rung of the society should think that without coaching I can compete any exam, and the one who are left or couldn’t compete , there should be other better opportunities so that students shouldn’t follow the wrong way.

    1. Change starts one at a time, from home. Parents are mature enough to know that academic success doesn’t correlate with success in real life, and if they stop obsessing about their children’s exam marks, the problem will automatically disappear ! After all, they are the ones who pay for the tuition classes and the apps !

  3. Totally correct Sir. And that’s why Unacademy is there. Unacademy focuses not only on the fundamentals and basics of the students but also clear the doubts with the help of live sessions so that they are able to grab the concept in the most effective manner.

    These days education is more into clearing the competitive exams, but no one focuses on clearing the concepts which in turn effects the practical knowledge.

    To eradicate this problem, Unacademy has acquired world’s best Educator’s who explains every concept with the help of killer visualisation . And I firmly believe if every student in India is able to clear his/her concept and are able to visualise then they will be easily stepping up to solve the real world problems.

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