The exorbitant cost of a Byju’s subscription

The opportunity cost is far more than the financial damage it causes !
It’s not just the waste of money, it’s also the fact that parents delude themselves that they have done everything possible to give their kids a head start . However, you cannot outsource learning to an app !
They effectively end up killing their child’s curiosity and desire to learn , because Byju’s serves up everything on a platter with slickly produced videos. However, when they grow up, they will have to learn to fend for themselves, and they won’t be able to do this, because they aren’t able to think independently for themselves anymore !

Spend the money on teaching your children to tinker – and they can always explore the wealth of free online resources if they want to learn something !

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6 thoughts

  1. I beg to differ.It can be thought in below manner as well :
    When a child will find it easy to crack and understand the basics of subject in such a lucid way then they will develop a great interest , which in turn will create the curiosity to know that concept in depth that will lead to an innovation .
    On the other hand children struggle to understand the basics and that lead to frustration inside them ,hence they don’t find it interesting later .

    I think byju will agree to my thoughts and others too .
    #byju #BYJU
    #newEducation #byju_education

    1. The only way to master something is to work hard at understanding it . The reward is the journey !
      Watching videos just fools you into thinking you have understood the topic !

  2. As far as learning goes, anything offered in simple form can give confidence of doing only that.
    Since facing difficulty is tougher than byju’s education, one will always seek only safe zones and innovation requires one to go out of comfort zone.
    96% of students will show above pattern and those who innovate would do it without Byju’s also.

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