The problem with health care brands Brands such as Apple …

The problem with health care brands Brands such as Apple and Pepsi can be a symbol of trust and quality. However, in India, the corporate healthcare brand names usually carry unsavoury reputations – whether these are pharma companies or hospitals or corporate chains. They can spend tons of money on advertising, but have tarnished their reputations! This is because they have sold out to commercial pressures, and care more about their profits than their patients. ,

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12 thoughts

  1. They have to do individual branding, writing content for their own. Doctors must learn to do story telling the best way to create a brand forward. Print media is already surpassed by digital revolution.
    Most of the youth do not read physical copy of newspaper, they read news on social media.
    Now to create a great brand, story telling, social media accounts, two way communication. Some of the milestone to create greater brand. I agree because people have wrong impression most of the times about big hospital & pharma company.

  2. It’s very interesting topic, I want to see it little differently.
    In pure milk, you mix little dirt, this will be visible and milk will not remain useful.
    In a pure water, you mix little milk, it will look like a milk and can be sold as milk.
    In a case of pharma(as it is a related to health, utmost purity is required to maintain the good name).
    While in case of products of general use, small honesty give them big name.
    So, the moment, we consider pharma as business, we start getting bad name.

  3. So many issues with the OP 🙂
    1: No one will ever argue that Apple and Pepsi do not have commercial interest dictating their decisions. You need commercial organizations to solve these problems at scale.
    2: Healthcare brands everywhere in the world (with an exception of fewnisolated casew) have very bad reputation
    3: India has no national healthcare brand. Our best known healthcare brands, at best, address only a tiny part of the country.
    4: This is something no one talks about: We are unwilling to pay for a honest day’s work, leading to everyone taking money under the table
    5: India lacks world class managers in all areas, not just healthcare.
    6: As a society, our ethical standards is rather low. We are unwilling to pay the premium that is needed to reach and maintain high ethical standards.
    7: Our doctors are being indoctrinated that making money (even through honest means) is wrong. This leads to the rules of evolution favoring the ones who make money through unethical means and they out compete the ethical ones.

    1. …continue from previous post:
      “Ethical healthcare brand” is a multi-billion dollar business opportunity sitting out there, untapped. No one (in India) has the intellectual depth, courage or vision to see it.
      We are going to take it. Not because it is the right thing to do (it is), or it matches with my temperament (it does).
      But because it is a deadly competitive advantage that hardly anyone understands.
      Compete this 🙂

  4. If hospitals want to be successful on longer run. They should start educating, enabling, and engaging patients effectively. In a single word patient engagement and patient centric approach is needed.which i dont see with many big and small hospitals as well.

  5. Not sure how Pepsi can be a symbol of trust and quality if it’s totally harmful for your health? And Apple is also under many ethical and moral questions. For that matter most of the so called brands in each and every field is responsible for more damage to our environment than anyone else

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