Generating new , useful and original digital content is the best way of attracting users to your website. These visitors are prospective customers, and the more you share with them, the more they will trust you. And the great thing about content is it’s sticky – and gets you high-value traffic organically, without wasting money on ads !
The problem is founders aren’t sure how to create content because they’re not very confident about their writing skills. And some of this is a result of all the school essays that they were forced to do as homework. English language classes kill creativity and spontaneity !
But the reality is that everyone has a story inside them which is quite easy to share. The secret is that instead of writing things down on a blank sheet of paper ( which is going to give you brain freeze), you need to talk into your smartphone and then use free text to speech apps to convert this into a digital asset which you can then share on multiple platforms.
It’s quite easy to continue creating content on a regular basis because you’re dealing with problems every single day – and you’re solving these problems because you are the domain expert !
Customers are very interested in other customers’ problems , and how you solve them – so this is stuff they will be happy to consume. Use this for your videos, emails ( as an ezine), blog posts, and Tweets and LinkedIn !
Since entrepreneurs deal with users daily day in and day out, all you need to do is reflect on your day for 5-10 ten minutes in the evening, and just record all these experiences. Or you can do this just after you have tackled a problem and resolved it . This is very useful for you , because it will help you reflect , and think about what went right and what went wrong and what you can do to improve. Encourage everyone in your company to do this as well – this is a great way of sharing knowledge, and will help you in your knowledge management efforts.
Please use ChatGPT to improve your posts – this is a great writing assistant ! And you can use automated AI tools to share your content on social media in different formats, and this takes only a few minutes daily. Too busy to do this ? You can generate tons of content when you have some downtime, and then publish it on a regular basis, so you always have enough in your pipeline ! Try to establish a regular cadence and follow this.
Sharing these experiences will help you because it will make you more thoughtful – metacognition helps you think better !
And by sharing generously, you will position yourself as someone who’s happy to learn and to teach, so you will be seen as a thought leader, and this will help to increase your confidence and your self-esteem.
This will also help grow the startup ecosystem in India, as you will be able to guide other founders, who can reach out for help !
Reuse these stories for multiple applications , such as sending emails to your customers; or sharing on LinkedIn and Twitter. And these will make great stories for your grandchildren as well.
Remember that each day is a new day , with its own stories. So please make it a point to share. And once you start, this will become a positive virtuous cycle , because the more you share, the better you will get at sharing. You will start actively looking for stories to share, because you will need to keep on creating new content all the time, and this is a very useful skill to master.