Dear Founder, Please share your stories !

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Dear Entrepreneur, Please share the stories of your daily struggles!
Most entrepreneurs have to tackle similar problems ( hiring, firing, fund raising) , but unfortunately they are not sure how to go about doing this. There is tons of information on how startups in Silicon Valley do this, but most of this isn’t relevant for India.
Entrepreneurs need to help each other. They already do this informally through meetups and WhatsApp groups, but these are small.
I wish entrepreneurs would share their stories in real time , one week at a time, so that others can benefit from their wisdom .
Do this for selfish reasons as well – it’s a great way to get other people to help you .
For example, if you want to to design a better product , then how do you find the right designer. This is a generic problem. How do you make sure the designer is providing value for money ? How can you trust whether the designer is any good ? How can you assess his performance ?
of the designer ? How do you differentiate between good and bad designers ?
Yes , you will make mistakes , but if you share them online, other people will help you with their insights – and you will be able to help others.
Finally, if start reflecting over what you have been doing , you are likely to be able to do a much better job in the future !
This is also a great way pf creating a digital brand for your startup and yourself – something every founder should be doing from Day 1.
Start now !

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